Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Managing Director in Data Strategy, Genomics, Precision Medicine, Health2047 Inc.

Piers is a Managing Director in Data Strategy, Genomics, and Precision Medicine at Health2047 Inc. He has an established track record of leading innovation at the intersection of healthcare and big data technologies. As the General Manager at Chicago’s Nash Strategy & Innovation, Piers advised startups, Fortune 500 corporations, hospitals and academic institutions on technology and innovation strategy. In this capacity, he advised on precision medicine, genomics, large scale data analytics, cognitive computing and future-proofing. His recent roles have included Global Special Consultant, Genomics and Healthcare at IBM Cloud. Over the course of a 13-year tenure with University of Chicago, Piers transitioned from professor of cancer biology to a role as Director of Strategy, Business Development and Outreach at the Center for Data Intensive Sciences. His strategy work on the $1.2 billion Medical Center Campaign paved the way for the first-of-its-kind national Genomic Data Commons. As part of the founding management team for the Genomic Data Commons, he helped steer the organization to become a core initiative of the White House Cancer Moonshot Initiative. Prior to University of Chicago, he was a post-doctoral fellow at University of Toronto, where he authored published works on complex cell behavior. Piers is also an Advisory Board Member at Ocient LLC, whose founder staged the largest software startup exit in Chicago’s history. Piers earned a BSc. in Biochemistry from University of Guelph, a PhD in Biochemistry from University of Alberta, and an MBA from University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Michigan

Session Synopsis: To fully exploit AI to drive medical insights and transform healthcare we require large data in aggregate. Only with data at scale can we employ the power of AI to accelerate discovery and power clinical advancements. But data aggregation, sharing, and access require that we develop trust in both technology and in operational systems for data use, auditing and provenance. This session will touch upon the different elements of a trusted data environment – including technology, data privacy and ownership, and on the critical role AI plays in knowledge extraction and advancing Precision Medicine.

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