Session Chair Profile

Ph.D., Co-Founder and CTO, Numerate Inc.

Brandon Allgood is the CTO and cofounder at Numerate, Inc, an AI driven drug discovery company.  Brandon leads research and development of Numerate’s AI platform.  He also leads the data science group, is the primary technical lead on both internal and collaborative drug discovery programs and is responsible for the technology vision at Numerate. Brandon has previously served as Director of Computational Science at Numerate and as a Research Scientist at Pharmix. He received a B.S. in Physics from the University of Washington, Seattle, and a Ph.D. in Computational Physics from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Brandon has authored scientific publications in astrophysics, solid-state physics, and computational chemistry and biology and has 15 years of experience in AI, mathematical modeling, and large scale cloud and distributed computing. He advises a number of venture capital firms and start-up companies, is a founder of the Alliance for AI in Healthcare, a member of the Forbes Technology Council and a UCSC Foundation Trustee.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: AI has the potential to expedite the pre-clinical drug design and discovery process. This session will provide a dive deep into different applications and AI platforms. Potential impact of such activities on the drug discovery and development processes, and on the strategic considerations in general in the pharmaceutical industry will be discussed.

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