Session Chair Profile

M.D., Clinical Informaticist, Stratametrics LLC; Technical Director, HL7 Da Vinci Project

Viet Nguyen is an internist, pediatrician, clinical informaticist and consultant to government and commercial organizations in developing interoperable workflows and technologies. He has over 15 years of experience in Health IT focused on interoperability standards and product development. Formerly the CMIO for Lockheed-Martin and Leidos Corporation, Dr. Nguyen is a nationally recognized FHIR educator, a FHIR Foundation Board Member, CMO for Logica Health (formerly Health Services Platform Consortium) and Technical Director for the HL7 Da Vinci Project. The Da Vinci Project is a Payer-Provider-Vendor collaboration addressing value-based-care use cases and developing HL7 FHIR-based, standard solutions.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Data analytics are vital to the success for healthcare payers to reduce resources and cost, and improve beneficiary experience while providing better patient care. The majority of that data is unstructured and in many instances difficult to access and analyze. This session will discuss several interesting use cases, opportunities, and challenges that need to be overcome to deliver value to the healthcare payer community.

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