Speaker Profile

Ph.D., MPH, Professor and Director, Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, UCSF

Tracey Woodruff is a recognized expert on environmental pollution exposures during pregnancy and effects on prenatal and child health as well as on her innovations in translating and communicating scientific findings for clinical and policy audiences. Her research include evaluating prenatal exposures to environmental chemicals and related adverse pregnancy outcomes, and characterizing developmental risks. She has authored numerous scientific publications and book chapters, and has been quoted widely in the press, including USAToday, the San Francisco Chronicle, and WebMD. She was previously at the US EPA, where she was a senior scientist and policy advisor in the Office of Policy, and author of numerous government documents. She is an Associate Editor of Environmental Health Perspectives. She was appointed by the governor of California in 2012 to the Science Advisory Board of the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee.


Environment Matters: Big Data, Environmental Exposures & Health
Will present novel approaches using high throughput technology to scan for chemical signatures in biological samples integrated with large-scale environmental exposure data to understand the human exposome, particularly during pregnancy. She will also discuss how the exposome interacts with genetic and social factors to influence development and disease.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Public health determinants include a variety of different components, and besides genomics data entail other informative data such as environmental contaminants (e.g. air quality or water quality data) or microbiome data. Only this way we can create a more comprehensive overall picture and respond to and prevent disease outbreaks, reduce the impact on reproductive and developmental health, and make better educated disease treatments. This session will dive into different types of data collection efforts which collectively that as an overall goal have better patient outcome.

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