Speaker Profile

M.D., M.B.A., MHSA, MSc, Medical Director, Proteus Digital Health

Scooter Plowman is the Medical Director at Proteus Digital Health, a leading innovator spearheading the development of Digital Medicines. He leads the customer clinical implementation teams, real-world evidence generation, publication and clinical strategy and business development through partnerships with health systems, payers, and pharmacies across the US. Prior to joining Proteus, Dr. Plowman completed his fellowship at Stanford in Health System Design and Value-Based Care. He holds an MD, MBA, and Masters in Healthcare Administration from the University of Kansas; his postgraduate medical training was at Mayo Clinic and Intermountain Healthcare. Prior to medical training he earned a MSc in Diagnostic Imaging from the University of Oxford. He speaks Portuguese and Spanish and is blessed with an amazing wife and four convivial kiddos!

Health Monitoring Showcase: Proteus Digital Health
Proteus Discover is the world’s first Digital Medicine offering designed for health organizations searching for an efficient, patient-centric approach to measure, manage and improve the health of patient populations.

Digital Medicines Enable Delivery of Post-Prescription Precision Care
This talk will cover the current, past and potential use of Digital Medicines as a medium for enabling enhanced precision patient care. Digital Medicines are FDA approved medications paired with tiny ingestible sensors which deliver feedback to patients and providers by communicating to patients’ smartphones and to provider EMRs, delivering real-time measurement and feedback to improve clinical outcomes and reduce costs.

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