Speaker Profile

Ph.D., BSc, Chief Scientific Officer, Bluestar Genomics

Dr. Samuel Levy has extensive background and experience in the application of genomic methods for the development of molecular diagnostic tests. Early work on the human genome project (Celera) and sequencing individual human genomes (J. Craig Venter Institute) established broad methodologies widely employed in genomic analysis. At Scripps Research Institute he worked on defining cardiovascular disease characteristics using patient derived stem cell. At Genomic Health, he led the development of methods for identifying mutational signatures from patient blood samples. Using patient derived tumor models, he established experimental methods and analytic approaches for the single cell analysis of tumor response to novel small molecule therapeutics (Quanticel Pharmaceuticals).

Liquid Biopsy Showcase: Bluestar Genomics
Bluestar Genomics develops next-generation epigenomic approaches to non-invasive molecular testing to provide novel insight and quantification of human health and disease to improve healthcare outcomes. Founded out of the Stanford laboratory of Dr. Stephen Quake, Bluestar Genomics combines biological ingenuity with AI and big data analysis to tackle the most urgent challenges in oncology, immunology, neurology, cardiovascular disease and beyond.

Next Generation Liquid Biopsy Enabled Through Epigenomics
Founded out of the Stanford laboratory of Dr. Stephen Quake, Bluestar Genomics is reinventing non-invasive testing using next generation epigenomic technologies. Using simple blood tests, we aim to provide the earliest identification of aggressive cancer biology. Our focus is on precision medicine applications improving both clinical and health system outcomes. Hear about our approach moving beyond the sequence to delivering true biology without biopsy.

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