Session Chair Profile

Ph.D., FRCPath, Chief Operations Officer, Congenica Ltd

Nick was previously Director of the NE Thames Regional Genetics Service at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, with responsibility for the strategic and operational management of a genetics service that provides DNA diagnostic testing to a population of approximately 4.5M people. Nick is an honorary Reader at the UCL Institute of Child Health, and has over 25 years of research experience in human molecular genetics. He was awarded a personal chair in Medical Genetics at Cardiff University in 2005 and is a founding CEO of London Genetics Ltd and Programme Director at Oxagen Ltd.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Taking place on January 24th, this showcase will provide a 15 min speaking opportunity for selected companies working with the latest technologies in nucleic acid sequencing such as NGS, providing instrumentation for genomic sequencing, and offering direct to consumer services. These companies will share their innovative products and services to an audience of leading investors, potential clients and partners. The Genomic Profiling showcase will exhibit the latest innovations in methods and instruments used for DNA/ RNA sequencing to ascertain the genomic and transcriptional profile of a person in order to understand why some people get certain diseases while others do not, or why people react in different ways to the same drug. This information is also being used to develop new ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases, such as cancer.

Confirmed Presenting Companies:

Taking place on January 24th, this showcase will provide a 15 min speaking opportunity for selected companies working with the latest technologies in nucleic acid sequencing such as NGS, providing instrumentation for genomic sequencing, and offering direct to consumer services. These companies will share their innovative products and services to an audience of leading investors, potential clients and partners. The Genomic Profiling showcase will exhibit the latest innovations in methods and instruments used for DNA/ RNA sequencing to ascertain the genomic and transcriptional profile of a person in order to understand why some people get certain diseases while others do not, or why people react in different ways to the same drug. This information is also being used to develop new ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases, such as cancer.

Confirmed Presenting Companies:

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