Speaker Profile

MPH, Ph.D., Professor, University of California Davis

Dr. Hertz-Picciotto, Director of the NIH-funded Environmental Health Sciences Core Center at the University of California Davis, is an internationally renowned environmental epidemiologist with over 300 scientific publications addressing human exposures to harmful chemicals, their interactions with nutrition and genetics, and their effects on child development. Currently she spearheads initiatives on health impacts of wildfires and other extreme weather events, including identification of vulnerable populations. She works within a conceptual framework that straddles yet integrates both broad and precision public health. She served as President of two major professional epidemiology societies and chaired four National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine Panels. In 2011, she received the Goldsmith Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. In 2014, she co-founded Project TENDR (Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks), a collaboration among scientists, clinicians, and advocates that aims to decrease incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders by reducing neurotoxicant exposures that contribute to them.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: To even more effectively push towards creating benefit for broader public health, precision medicine has to reach beyond disease identification and treatment and should aim for innovative disease prevention. As a critical element on the path towards this goal, precision medicine must incorporate data from various sources including environmental factors as well as social determinants of health. Besides the actual acquisition of this data, new technologies are required to dynamically integrate and analyze such type of information. All of these aspects will be the focus of this session.

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