Speaker Profile

M.D., M.Sc., Director, Predictive Health Institute; Professor, Emory University

Greg S. Martin, M.D., M.Sc. is Professor of Medicine at Emory University and Executive Associate Division Director for the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. Dr. Martin completed his undergraduate studies at Duke University; medical school, residency and subspecialty fellowship training at Vanderbilt University and a Master of Science degree at Emory University. As an internationally recognized expert in predictive health, Dr. Martin is the Director of the Emory/Georgia Tech Predictive Health Institute and the affiliated Center for Health Discovery and Well Being, and a leader within the Southeast Consortium of the NIH All of Us program. Dr. Martin serves as the Director of the multi-institutional Clinical Research Centers within the NIH Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA) and the Research Director for the Emory Critical Care Center. Dr. Martin will serve as the President of the Society of Critical Care Medicine in 2021.

Clinical & Research Tools Showcase: Predictive Health Institute
Predictive Health is an innovative approach to understanding and optimizing health that focuses on maintaining health rather than treating disease.

Predictive Health: A New Model for Patients, Providers and Health Systems
Discussing a decade of experience at Emory University with Predictive Health as a new model of health and medicine focusing on maintaining health rather than treating disease.

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