Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Senior Director of Genomics, AncestryDNA

Dr. Eurie Hong leads the AncestryDNA genomics team in the development of algorithms that integrate genomic data from 10+ million customers with 100+ million pedigrees and 20+ billion records to help individuals discover their family history. Her research interests include developing computational and bioinformatic solutions that are used to identify biological insights from genomes and genomic data. She has worked on the annotation of the yeast, S. cerevisiae, as well as building data models that facilitate the integration of high-throughput genomic data. Dr. Hong received her Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics and Cell biology at the University of Chicago.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Understanding the relationship between the millions of functional DNA elements and their protein regulators, and how they work in conjunction to manifest diverse phenotypes, is a key to advancing our understanding of the human genome and diseases. As the cost of DNA sequencing continue to drop, the interpretation of the ever increasing amount of data generated represents a considerable challenge.

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