Speaker Profile

M.D., Chief Medical Officer, BioAge Labs

Eric leads BIOAGE’s human cohort partnerships and computational efforts to discover and prioritize drug targets for human aging. Eric was previously an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, where his research focused on biomarker discovery and characterization in high-dimensional datasets from human cohorts. Eric completed an HBSc in artificial intelligence, MD, clinical training in pathology, and a research fellowship in computational biology and molecular epidemiology at the University of Toronto, where he held a Canada Graduate Scholarship from the CIHR, and was subsequently a CIHR research fellow. He has published over 15 papers in the areas of molecular biomarker discovery, pharmacogenomics, aging, and diagnostic medicine. Eric is a licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada, a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, holds a specialty designation in pathology, and previously practiced medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.

Wellness and Aging Showcase: BioAge Labs
BIOAGE uses AI and data science with proprietary human aging data to accelerate internal drug discovery for aging and age-related disease.

Data-Driven Discovery And Targeting Of Aging Factors
Omics data enables us to study aging directly in humans, rather than less translationally-relevant model systems. Focusing on omic phenotyping of human aging cohorts that have decades of follow-up EHRs. Integrating multiple data modalities for data-driven discovery of key aging targets.

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