Speaker Profile

Ph.D., CEO, Travera

Prior to founding Travera, Dr. Reid was the founding Chairman, President and CEO of Complete Genomics (NASDAQ:GNOM), a leading developer of whole human genome DNA sequencing technologies and services. He was also Executive Chairman of Genos Research, a consumer genomics company he spun off from Complete Genomics. Prior to Complete Genomics he founded two enterprise software companies: Eloquent (NASDAQ:ELOQ), an internet video company, and Verity (NASDAQ:VRTY), an enterprise search engine company. Dr. Reid is on the Visiting Committee of the Biological Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a member of the MIT Corporation Development Committee, and an advisor to Warburg Pincus. He earned a S.B. in Physics from MIT, an MBA from the Harvard Business School, and a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

Clinical Dx Showcase: Travera
Travera is developing the first universal therapy-directing biomarker for personalized medicine for cancer.

A New Biomarker For Personalizing Cancer Therapies
Travera uses a novel mass-based biophysical measurement of the ex vivo response of individual cancer cells to cancer drugs to predict patient response. We completed a multiple myeloma pilot study at DFCI and are launching a 100-patient clinical study.

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