Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Co-leader of the Neuropathology Core, Alzheimer’s Disease Center, University of California Davis

Throughout her career Dr. Dugger has led numerous cross-disciplinary projects to enhance precision medicine approaches to dementias and Parkinson’s disease. This has resulted in a plethora of peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters, and fostered numerous private, state, and federally funded research endeavors. She obtained her PhD from Mayo Clinic and completed her postdoctoral fellowship and was promoted to a staff scientist in a research-based autopsy program at the Banner Sun Health Research Institute. She previously led the neuropathology core for academic and drug discovery groups within the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of California San Francisco. With over a decade of experience, she currently runs her own laboratory and is a co-leader for the neuropathology core of the University of California Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Center. She is both serious and enthusiastic about a future informed by clinicopathological research focusing on precision medicine approaches to dementias and Parkinson’s disease.


Disentangling Dementias With Machine Learning Workflows
Dementias are a group of devastating diseases that rob a person of their essence. As a PhD-trained neuropathologist, I offer a unique perspective. This talk will highlight the complexities of dementias and how we have developed ML workflows to enhance disease characterization.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Data science in combination with new tools help predict which patients will benefit most from health care interventions. Session contributors are representatives from medical organizations discussing various data science applications and their approach to using data and predictive modeling to analyze and identify meaningful patterns that result in better patient outcomes.

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