Speaker Profile

Senior Director, State Government Relations, CLSA

Oliver serves as Senior Director of State Government Relations for the California Life Sciences Association (CLSA), managing all aspects of legislative, political, and local advocacy. Based in CLSA’s Sacramento office, he is responsible for the development and implementation of legislative and government relations strategies, directing the association’s lobbying activities while incorporating strategic communications and alliance development objectives. In his time at CLSA, he has been intimately involved with legislation related to precision medicine, ranging from the Governor’s initiative on precision medicine to budget language for a pilot project on whole genome sequencing. He has also conducted several legislative briefings on the subject of gene therapy and advanced diagnosis. Prior to joining CLSA, Oliver spent three years with the Association of California Life and Health Insurance Companies (ACLHIC) in Sacramento. In addition to direct advocacy efforts, he directed the association’s political affairs, communications, and strategic outreach.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: To even more effectively push towards creating benefit for broader public health, precision medicine has to reach beyond disease identification and treatment and should aim for innovative disease prevention. As a critical element on the path towards this goal, precision medicine must incorporate data from various sources including environmental factors as well as social determinants of health. Besides the actual acquisition of this data, new technologies are required to dynamically integrate and analyze such type of information. All of these aspects will be the focus of this session.

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