Session Chair Profile

Strategic Global Client Lead, Google Cloud

At Google Cloud, Shweta is the strategic client lead responsible for Healthcare and Life Sciences. Shweta has quickly risen through the ranks as a well-known innovator, game-changer, and relationship ambassador. With 18+ years’ experience in clinical research, Healthcare and Bio Tech, she has proven time and time again how valuable relationships can be by enabling dozens of start-up firms with access to capital from Federal grants and VC firms alike. She brings an eye for detail, winning contract negotiations, and financial insight to support her commercial partnership strategy expertise. A position was created just for her, after excelling in a Commercial Partnering and Strategy role at Genentech. She has been the recipient of multiple awards at Genentech, including two “Innovation Awards,” “MVP Award,” and more. Shweta brings an impressive network of established healthcare system relationships across Digital Health & Technology, Investor, Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Hospital Systems Industries. She is passionate about keeping current with trends in medical devices, data, wearables, IoT, EHR, and machine learning. Since joining Google, Shweta develops and manages a variety of customer and partnership relationships while identifying new opportunities.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Genomics is entering the provider setting at scale, and forward-thinking health systems are leading the way. What internal and external policies are challenged? What are the technical barriers? And what has been the payoff so far?

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