Speaker Profile

M.D., Sr. VP & CSO, Research Institute Orlando, AdventHealth

Prior to his current role, Dr. Smith led the development of the AdventHealth Orlando – Sanford-Burnham Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes (TRI) as scientific director, and also continues in this role. Dr. Smith’s work bridges the gap between cell-molecular biology and clinical care. He has published more than 160 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, reviews and chapters, and is active in physician education. Dr. Smith earned his medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center. Prior to his tenure at AdventHealth Orlando, Dr. Smith was a faculty member at Pennington Biomedical Research Center for 15 years.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Population sequencing of healthy individuals has huge value for preventive care. Recently, we have seen a rise in newly launched initiatives across various medical organizations. In this session we will hear updates from several of these studies to learn about their objectives, protocols, challenges, and more.

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