Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Scientific Innovation, Consumer/Johnson & Johnson Innovation

Stephanie is responsible for building and managing a portfolio of consumer-focused co-investments for Johnson & Johnson Innovation and supporting Johnson & Johnson cross-sector initiatives where innovations in areas such as digital health and the microbiome have the potential to disrupt across the health care spectrum. Previously, Stephanie was at the University of California, San Francisco leading the business development and alliance management team, where she also served as Program Director for the UCSF Sandler Center for Drug Discovery and drove establishment of the UCSF Grand Multiple Myeloma Translational Initiative (GMMTI). Prior to joining UCSF, Stephanie held escalating positions at Exelixis including leading numerous discovery and early clinical programs in oncology, cardiovascular and metabolism and management of key strategic discovery and development partnerships. She holds an undergraduate degree in chemistry (Honors) from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a PhD in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley.

Presentation Title and Company Description

Microbial Profiling Showcase: Harnessing the Microbiome for Health and Wellness
Johnson & Johnson Innovation seeks to positively impact human health through innovation. Our mission is to generate transformational healthcare solutions through value-creating collaborations between entrepreneurs and the Johnson & Johnson family of companies including consumer, medical device and pharmaceutical businesses.

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