Session Abstract – PMWC 2017 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Deep NGS-based molecular and immune-infiltrate characterization and subtyping of tumors has the potential to identify molecular subsets that will benefit from immunotherapy as well as propose combination therapy to target single-agent resistance pathways. This session will showcase the utility of molecular subtyping to aid clinical drug development.

Session Chair Profile

Ph.D., Co-founder & CEO, Data4Cure

Janusz co-founded Data4Cure with the goal to change how we acquire, integrate and apply biomedical data towards development of new therapies. He has a background in mathematics and computer science and has been working in business intelligence and operational research before transitioning to computational biology for his PhD and postdoc. Before founding Data4Cure, he was a scientist at the University of California, San Diego where he developed methods for multiscale network analysis and cancer biomarker discovery from large omics data. He has co-authored 20 research papers published in acclaimed scientific journals including Nature Biotechnology, Science and Cell and has been a speaker at numerous international conferences and scientific meetings.

Speaker Profile

MPH, Ph.D., Director, Oncology Biomarker Research, Eisai Inc.

Dr. Sachdev, Director of Oncology Biomarker Research at Eisai, a human health care (hhc) company, supports the clinical development of a diverse in-house pipeline of oncology compounds. During her time at Eisai, Dr. Sachdev has increasingly focused on cross-functional and global coordination of biomarker research activities to support the development of targeted therapeutics by alignment of drug and diagnostic strategies to achieve the oncology pipeline clinical objectives. Previously, Dr. Sachdev was a scientist at The Rockefeller University focusing on stem cell biology, cancer signaling networks and systems biology. Dr. Sachdev received her B.S. from Cornell University, her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Mount Sinai-New York University School of Medicine. She has co-authored numerous research publications in the fields of cancer signaling networks, cancer genomics and personalized medicine and presented at international scientific conferences.

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