Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Artificial intelligence holds the promise to revolutionize health care and directly impact the clinical trials process via expediting the recruitment of eligible clinical trial patients. The systems currently developed enable higher patient enrollment rates and better trial assignment, contribute towards reducing the cost of recruitment via additional/more efficient medical tests, and facilitate analysis and integration of operational data from historical cases. This session focuses on various applications of AI in clinical trials design and patient selection.

Session Chair Profile

Ph.D., Co-founder & CEO, Data4Cure

Janusz Dutkowski is Co-founder and CEO of Data4Cure, Inc. – a company focused on combining systems biology, machine learning and AI to facilitate continuous translation of biomedical data to knowledge. His background is in mathematics and computer science. For the last 15 years he has been working at the intersection of mathematics, computer science and biology to develop new data-driven technologies to advance the discovery of new biomarkers and precision-based therapies. Before founding Data4Cure he was a scientist at the University of California, San Diego where along with Dr. Trey Ideker he led the development of methods for multiscale analysis of molecular networks and integrative methods for biomarker discovery from multidimensional data. He has co-authored over 20 research papers published in scientific journals including Nature Biotechnology, Science and Cell.

Speaker Profile

VP Business Development, SOPHiA Genetics

Esteban Czwan is a dynamic business executive experienced in different areas related to clinical genomics, including Business Development, Product Management, and Customer Support. Before joining SOPHiA Genetics in 2015, Esteban worked for Roche Diagnostics where he was responsible for next-generation sequencing support and third-party analytical solutions. Esteban did research work at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg developing predictive models of tumor progression and therapy response. Esteban obtained his Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics from Cardiff University and his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Springfield.

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