Speaker Profile

Ph.D., General Manager, Reproductive Health, Natera

Dr. Ramesh Hariharan’s career of 18 years spans a rage of subspecialties, including basic research, strategic management consulting, and marketing. At GE’s Basic Research Center, he was nominated as the Best Young Scientist for his innovations, which included the discovery of a new molecule that was commercialized to enable higher data densities in rewritable DVDs, and a novel process for agglomerating nanoparticles. At McKinsey, he served biotech, pharma, medical device, diagnostics, and private equity leaders in the U.S., Germany, and the U.K., tackling a wide range of business issues such as product launches, market expansion, life cycle strategies, and business turnarounds. Dr. Hariharan then held marketing leadership positions in Oncology, Women’s Health, and Vaccines at Novartis, Abbott/AbbVie and Biotheranostics. Most recently at Biotheranostics, he drove the successful commercial turnaround and relaunch of Breast Cancer Index and CancerTYPE ID including repositioning, branding, messaging, and targeted promotions to medical oncologists and patients. He received a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from IIT Bombay, a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Princeton University, and an M.B.A. from MIT Sloan School of Management.

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