Speaker Profile

FRS, FMEDSCI, Director of The Welcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford University

Peter Donnelly is Director of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and Professor of Statistical Science at the University of Oxford, and a founder and director of Genomics plc, a fast-growing company in the genome analytics space. He has played a leading role in many of the major projects and developments at the interface between genetics, healthcare, and clinical medicine, including the HapMap project, the Wellcome Trust Case Control consortia, and WGS500, one of the studies pioneering whole genome sequencing in clinical medicine.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: There has never been a better time to invest in large scale sequencing initiatives in human genetics research as the field is ripe with tremendous potential and is poised to fuel the next wave of scientific and medical advances. Technology development has enabled unprecedented scale of sequence data generation and the ability to link genomic data to high quality clinical data. This panel will touch upon recent advances and what outcomes are expected due to the revolutionary advancements of large scale sequencing and through genetics initiatives.

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