Speaker Profile

Chief Commercial Officer, Mitra Biotech

Parker leads worldwide commercial operations for Mitra Biotech, a pioneer in novel technologies to better predict personalized therapy response in oncology. Mitra’s proprietary CANScriptTM assay tests how a patient’s tumor responds to numerous therapy combinations while retaining the critical components of the tumor microenvironment, including the immune compartment and heterogeneity. Mitra has demonstrated an extremely high correlation between its in-vitro predictions and what happens in-vivo in the clinic across different tumor types and drug classes. Importantly, the company has also demonstrated that immune checkpoint inhibitors can be successfully tested on the platform. Parker works with clinicians to demonstrate CANScriptTM clinical utility, and with biopharma clients to use the system as models for patient response – speeding development of new drugs. For over 15 years, Parker has been developing and launching novel diagnostic and drug discovery products and services with companies including BD and Upstate Biotechnology (now EMD Millipore).

Presentation Title and Company Description

Immunotherapy Showcase: Truly Personalized and Powerful Therapy Response Predictions
CANscript™ recreates the uniqueness of the tumor microenvironment, delivering powerful, individualized treatment response predictions — with exceptionally high correlation to clinical outcomes. The platform also provides insight into mechanism of action, drug response, and tumor resistance, resulting in efficient drug development.

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