Speaker Profile

M.D., National Medical Director, Aetna

Michael Kolodziej M.D. is the National Medical Director, Oncology Solutions, Office of the Chief Medical Officer, Aetna. Dr. Kolodziej attended college and medical school at Washington University in St. Louis. He completed internal medicine and hematology-oncology training at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. After completing training, Dr. Kolodziej joined the faculty at the University Of Oklahoma School Of Medicine where he was an associate professor. He joined New York Oncology in the winter of 1998, and was a partner in the practice until December 2012. He was an active member of the US Oncology Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee, on the executive committee from 2002-2011, and chairman from 2004-2011. He served as Medical Director for Oncology Services for US Oncology from 2007-2011. In this role, he helped direct the implementation of the USON clinical pathways initiative, the integration of the USON EMR into this program, and the development of the USON disease management and advanced care planning programs, now known as Innovent Oncology. He has published several manuscripts and given several presentations on cost of cancer care, oncology reimbursement reform, and use of evidence based treatment guidelines to control cost of care in oncology. Dr. Kolodziej is married to Dr. Regina Resta, also a medical oncologist with New York Oncology Hematology, and they have two children, Peter (19) and Katherine (16).

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