Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Professor, University of Michigan College of Engineering

Prof. Shtein earned his B.S. in Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley (1998) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, joining the Materials Science and Engineering department at the Univ. of Michigan in Fall 2004, where he now serves as Professor. His work has been recognized through numerous university-wide, national and international awards. He co-founded Arborlight, LLC (www.arborlight.com – a multiple award-winning lighting technology company), and co-authored the book “Scalable Innovation: A Guide for Inventors, Entrepreneurs, and IP Professionals.” (Taylor & Francis, ISBN-10: 1466590971). His research interests are in the combination of semiconductor thin film devices, processing, and novel drug delivery vehicles and pharmaceutical manufacturing.


Clinical Dx Showcase: Precision, Data-based Printing of Nanostructured, Thin Film Medicines
As drug design and dosing regimens evolve toward increasingly complex, data-driven paradigms, new personalized, yet scalable drug formulation and manufacturing approaches are needed. At the same time, a number of other challenges, including poor solubility, in drug design must be addressed and improved upon, relative to current state of the art. To address these challenges, we create ultra-precise dosages of complex pharmaceutical ingredients using thin-film printing techniques. We show how we achieve novel, nano-crystalline structures, while the resulting properties of the films – e.g. dissolution rate, bioavailability – are enhanced, in some cases by orders of magnitude. We outline how this approach potentially circumvents long-standing technological and application trade-offs (e.g., between manufacturing throughput and personalization of medicine), and its usefulness in existing and emerging biomedical applications, such as drug design and prescription using database-enabled, deep learning.

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