Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Associate Director, Clinical and Translational Research, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Dr Leila Luheshi works closely with scientists and clinicians who are pioneering applications of nanopore sequencing that have the potential to transform patient and population health by bringing genomic testing ever closer to the point of need. Prior to joining Oxford Nanopore Technologies she lead a team at the Cambridge-based health and genomics policy think tank, PHG Foundation, delivering analysis and advice to policy makers and practitioners to accelerate the implementation of genomic technologies in healthcare. She has a particular passion for realizing the transformative potential of genomics for the management of infectious disease, and is working with clinicians and public health professionals around the world to achieve this goal. Dr. Luheshi earned her BA in Natural Sciences and her PhD from the University of Cambridge, where she pursued research into the molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases.

Presentation Title and Company Description

Microbial Profiling Showcase: Real-time Metagenomics: A precision Medicine Revolution?
Oxford Nanopore Technologies has developed the world’s first nanopore DNA sequencer. MinION is portable, real-time, long-read, low-cost device designed to bring biological analyses to anyone, whether in scientific research or real world applications like disease/pathogen surveillance, environmental monitoring, or self-quantification.

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