Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Chief Research Officer, Agendia, Inc.

Laura J. van ‘t Veer, PhD is a world-renowned Molecular Biologist, and Leader of the Breast Oncology Program and Director of Applied Genomics at the HDFCCC. She is the former Head of Diagnostic Oncology of the Netherlands Cancer Institute, and inventor of MammaPrint (Agendia Inc). Laura’s research focuses on personalized medicine, and aims to advance patient management based on knowledge of the genetic makeup of the tumor as well as the genetic makeup of the patient. Her laboratory at UCSF has a strong research line investigating human kinases and studies how kinase inhibitors elicit response and resistance. She chair’s the Biomolecular Committee of the I-SPY 2 trial ensuring CLIA compliant companion diagnostics across fourteen investigational treatment arms to date. Laura is the Principal Investigator of the Athena Breast Health Network at UCSF, a 150,000-women cohort study evaluating new paradigms to enhance breast health for which she leads the targeted genome testing for 65,000 women for nine breast cancer susceptibility genes and a selection of ~250 known susceptibility Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Laura is one of the PIs for the NIH Big Data to Knowledge Center on Genomics, facilitating worldwide standardization of sharing annotated genomics data.

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