Speaker Profile

M.D., Health IT Ecosystem Lead / Verily;
Visiting Scientist / Harvard Medical School

Josh is a physician and software developer working to fuel an ecosystem of health apps with access to clinical and research data. After earning an S.B. in computer science and electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an M.D. from the Tufts University School of Medicine, he joined the Harvard Medical School Department of Biomedical Informatics, where he served as lead architect for SMART Health IT (http://smarthealthit.org) and spearheaded the Clinical Decision Support Hooks project. He now works at Verily as Health IT Ecosystem Lead, with a focus on the Precision Medicine Initiative’s “All of Us” research program. As a member of the national Health IT Standards Committee, Josh showed a special interest in tools and interfaces that support software developers who are new to the health domain.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Traditional data silos too often slow down the scientific progress. To benefit from a data-driven healthcare approach we need to make data accessible, manageable, and interpretable. This requires data standardization and overcoming interoperability issues, a major focus of this session.

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