Speaker Profile

M.D., Chief Medical Officer, 2bPrecise

Dr. Joel Diamond, Allscripts 2bPrecise Chief Medical Officer, has extensive clinical and technology experience. He formerly served as CMIO and chairman of the Physician Advisory Board at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, St. Margaret Memorial Hospital, where he helped achieve 100 percent adoption of CPOE in a community hospital. This is one of the first such successes in the United States. He helped develop dbMotion, a solution for health information exchange and population health and later became the Chief Medical Officer for Population Health at Allscripts Healthcare. Dr. Diamond currently serves as an adjunct associate professor of biomedical informatics at the University of Pittsburgh. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Family Practice and a fellow in the American Academy of Family Physicians while continuing to care for patients at Handelsman Family Practice in Pittsburgh, PA.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2017 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: While Precision Medicine is starting to deliver on some of its promise, hurdles still remain. Viewing interpreted genomic data within the context of a patient’s clinical record is challenging enough, but how do we add meaningful information into the existing workflow to inform a provider when a genetic test makes sense for their patient? And how do we make it easy to ingest the interpreted results to lead to better informed treatment decisions? In this session we will hear from a panel of industry leaders on the clinical, technical, organizational and political barriers that exist in the clinical enablement of precision medicine.

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