Speaker Profile

M.D., Ph.D., MBA, Co-Founder, Immix Biopharma

Dr. Ilya Rachman is a physician-scientist and clinical faculty at UCLA. He received both his MD and PhD in neuroscience and cell biology from the University of Illinois-Chicago, and his MBA from UCLA Anderson. Previous to Immix, Dr. Rachman founded a clinical research organization that conducted clinical trials on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. He has completed several clinical trials as a Principal Investigator and is a co-inventor of Immix’ platform therapeutic technology.

Presentation Title and Company Description

Immunotherapy Showcase: Inflammation as Cancer’s Keeper
Immix Biopharma Inc develops novel therapies for cancer patients. The team’s approach is to treat cancer as a progressive de-differentiation towards unicellularity and to shut down the immune system’s support that sustains it.

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