Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Stanford Department of Management Science and Engineering; Directory of Systems Design and Collaborative Research, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford; Founding Member and Advisor, Carta Healthcare

David Scheinker is the Director of Systems Design and Collaborative Research at the Stanford Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, an Adjunct Professor at the Stanford School of Engineering, and a founding member of Carta Healthcare. He is the Founder and Director of SURF Stanford Medicine (http://surf.stanford.edu/), a group that brings together students and faculty from the university with clinicians and administrators from hospitals to improve the quality of care using operations research methodology. SURF has implemented and published numerous projects in precision medicine supported by machine learning and AI. Before coming to Stanford, he was a Joint Research Fellow at The MIT Sloan School of Management and Massachusetts General Hospital.

Presentation Title and Company Description

AI and Data Science Showcase: Optimizing Hospital Operations with Artificial Intelligence
Carta Healthcare helps drive operational improvement by leveraging existing EMR data. Carta empowers clinicians to make better patient-centric care decisions with minimal change to existing infrastructure or workflows.

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