Speaker Profile

Ph.D, Associate Professor, UCSF

Courtney Lyles, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the UCSF Division of General Internal Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations. A trained health services researcher, she uses quantitative and qualitative methods to examine quality of care, health behavior, and health outcomes. She is also an Associate Director of the UCSF program Implementation Science program based in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Her research specifically focuses on harnessing health information technology and big data approaches to improve patient outcomes, particularly among underserved patient populations. She is currently the co-PI of the UCSF Population Health Data Initiative and the UCSF Precision Population Health program.


Using Population Health Data to Enhance Precision Medicine Approaches
This talk will cover an overview of the UCSF Population Health Data Initiative, which involves geocoding electronic health record data to provide insight about how neighborhood-level factors impact clinical care.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Public health determinants include a variety of different components, and besides genomics data entail other informative data such as environmental contaminants (e.g. air quality or water quality data) or microbiome data. Only this way we can create a more comprehensive overall picture and respond to and prevent disease outbreaks, reduce the impact on reproductive and developmental health, and make better educated disease treatments. This session will dive into different types of data collection efforts which collectively that as an overall goal have better patient outcome.

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