Speaker Profile

M.D., Ph.D., Principal, Bruce Quinn Associates LLC

Bruce Quinn, MD PhD, is a professional strategy consultant helping innovative companies achieve their goals under U.S. federal health policies. His consulting practice, with offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco, works with leading genomic, medical technology, and biopharma companies. Originally trained as a neuropathologist, earlier in his career he held tenure-track faculty positions at NYU Medical School and the Northwestern University School of Medicine. As a physician executive, he has held positions with Accenture’s healthcare strategies practice, the Medicare program, and with health policy groups in two law and lobbying firms. Recent publications have included articles on defining clinical utility for diagnostic tests and a review of the emerging digital genomics industry. In addition, his blog, www.DiscoveriesInHealthPolicy.com, covers innovative health care policy developments and receives over 100,000 hits per year. The website for Dr. Quinn’s firm is www.brucequinn.com .

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: As Next Generation Sequencing continues to outpace Moores Law it’s broad adoption in a clinical environment still faces several barriers to entry, namely complexity in workflow and reimbursement. To economically enable value based healthcare, technology providers need to think bigger and reimbursement needs to be more broadly understood and simplified. Come hear from our expert panelists about their thoughts on the current state of reimbursement, where things are moving and how individuals not directly involved in reimbursement can influence and expedite change.

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