Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biomolecular Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz; Associate Director, UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute

Dr. Paten studied neuroscience as an undergraduate at University College London, gained a graduate diploma in Computer Science from Cambridge University and then a Ph.D. in Computational Biology jointly with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Cambridge University. He did his postdoctoral work at the University of California, Santa Cruz under the direction of David Haussler. He is now focused broadly on computational genomics and is particularly motivated by questions of genome evolution and how the genome shapes diversity within and between species. In 2015, he started the Computational Genomics Lab (CGL) within the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute. As leader of the CGL he mentors and manages a growing team of around 40 people, comprising undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and engineers in a research group with a broad remit spanning genomics.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2019 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Understanding the relationship between the millions of functional DNA elements and their protein regulators, and how they work in conjunction to manifest diverse phenotypes, is a key to advancing our understanding of the human genome and diseases. As the cost of DNA sequencing continue to drop, the interpretation of the ever increasing amount of data generated represents a considerable challenge.

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