Speaker Profile

MSc., Founder and CEO, Lumiata

As the Founder and CEO of Lumiata, Ash Damle drives the company’s mission of lowering the cost of healthcare delivery by predicting individual health risks with artificial intelligence. At Lumiata, Ash has pioneered a first-of-kind medical knowledge graph based on current scientific research and clinical practice. The Lumiata medical knowledge graph combines multi-sourced health data with medical knowledge, analyzes the complex relationships between them, and provides precise, clinically-relevant, interpretable analytics. Ash is a technologist and data scientist deeply rooted in the application of big data to health and its intersection with design. Over the last 15 years, he has researched, built and applied AI technologies with leading institutions and organizations, including the UCLA AI and Robotics Lab, MIT’s AI Lab, the MIT Media Lab, the US Navy and NASA. Ash graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in both Computer Science and Mathematics.

Presentation Title and Company Description

AI and Data Science Showcase: Using Deep Learning to Predict Emerging and Unidentified Clinical States
Lumiata provides next-generation predictive AI to leading health plans and their healthcare provider networks through its flagship Data-as-a-Solution (DaaS) offering, the Lumiata Matrix Suite. For more information visit www.lumiata.com or follow us on Twitter at @lumiata.

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