Speaker Profile

M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, Renown Health

Dr. Tony Slonim is one of the nation’s most innovative and progressive health leaders. With a personal passion for improving health, Tony caught the industry’s attention by launching the Healthy Nevada Project®, the first and fastest-growing population health study combining genetic, environmental, social and clinical data to address individual and community health needs. With nearly 40,000 study volunteers enrolled across the state, the Project is returning clinically actionable results to participants and conducting extensive research. Recognized nationally as a thought leader, Modern Healthcare named Tony to its Most Influential Physician Executives and Leaders list. He has also been honored on Becker’s Hospital Review’s “Physician Leaders to Know” list since 2014. A quadruple board-certified physician with more than 120 publications and 15 textbooks to his name, Tony is a certified pediatric intensivist by training, a two time TEDx speaker.and chair of the American Hospital Association’s Systems Council representing more than 300 integrated health systems.


Healthy USA Project: Genetic Crowdsourcing Improving Health
This talk will cover 40,000 Nevadans have enrolled in a genetic study – each with a story of learning more about their health. Study volunteers are now being notified of their genetic health risks tied to heart disease and cancer. This is potentially life-saving information that more than 60% who tested positive may not have received otherwise.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Population sequencing of healthy individuals has huge value for preventive care. Recently, we have seen a rise in newly launched initiatives across various medical organizations. In this session we will hear updates from several of these studies to learn about their objectives, protocols, challenges, and more.

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