Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Head of Molecular Informatics, Exscientia

Adrian works as a developer on Exscientia’s AI-driven drug design platform and is also part of the drug discovery team to identify and develop innovative drugs. He is an interdisciplinary scientist with a broad background and deep interest in computational approaches that can be used to transform drug discovery. He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, where he studied under the supervision of Professor Sir Tom Blundell FRS FMedSci.

Presentation Title and Company Description

AI and Data Science Showcase: Transforming Drug Discovery Productivity Through Centaur Intelligence
Exscientia is at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven drug discovery and design. By fusing the power of AI with the discovery experience of seasoned drug hunters, Exscientia is the first company to automate drug design, surpassing conventional approaches.

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