Speaker Profile

BS, MBA, Vice President, Applied Genomics, Illumina, Inc.

Dawn Barry is the Vice President of Applied Genomics where she leads market development and expansion strategies for early stage clinical, research, and industrial applications of genomics. She was formerly Senior Director of Illumina’s New and Emerging Opportunities business responsible for identifying and catalyzing new markets and solutions. Dawn joined Illumina in 2005 as their first market development specialist focusing on elevating the Company’s presence in the pharmaceutical sector. Since then, Dawn has had similar success bringing Illumina genomic solutions into other markets including agriculture, forensics and cytogenetics. Prior to Illumina, Dawn spent seven years at Genaissance Pharmaceuticals, one of the early genomics start-ups focused on individualized medicine and DNA-based diagnostic testing, with the primary responsibility of promoting clinical genetics testing services for pharmaceutical clinical trials. Dawn holds a Bachelors degree in Biology from the University of Vermont and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Connecticut School of Business.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2017 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Up to one-third of US babies who are admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit have a genetic disease and more than 20% of infant deaths are caused by genetic illnesses. Panelists in this session will discuss the promise of rapid whole-genome testing in acute care situations and the future of the “26-Hour Genome” diagnosis.

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