Speaker Profile

M.D., Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Clinical Research Information Officer, UCSD

Dr. Hogarth is a board-certified Internist and Professor of Biomedical Informatics at UCSD where he serves as Clinical Research Information Officer. In that role, he leads a biomedical informatics team managing and optimizing information systems for clinical research. Dr. Hogarth has been involved in several large-scale research informatics initiatives including the Athena Breast Health Network (www.athenacarenetwork.org), the I-SPY2 adaptive breast cancer trial (www.ispytrials.org), and the pSCANNER clinical data research network (pscanner.ucsd.edu). Dr. Hogarth has also been a national leader in the re-engineering of vital statistics data systems. His public health informatics team developed the California Integrated Vital Records System (CalIVRS), which processes over 750,000 annual vital events. His team also developed the Maryland Electronic Death Registration System (MD-EDRS). Dr. Hogarth’s current interests include improving access to vital statistics data for research, enabling research analysis in secure cloud-based infrastructures, and the use of wearables/sensors as digital phenotypes in clinical trials.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Data science in combination with new tools help predict which patients will benefit most from health care interventions. Session contributors are representatives from medical organizations discussing various data science applications and their approach to using data and predictive modeling to analyze and identify meaningful patterns that result in better patient outcomes.

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