Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

The PMWC 2018 Liquid Biopsy Showcase will take place on Monday January 23 and will provide a 15-minute time slot for selected liquid biopsy companies to present their latest technologies to an audience of leading investors, potential clients, and partners. We will hear from companies that advance the development of screening tests for oncology, immunotherapy, and other areas, based on detection and identification of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs), circulating RNA, circulating microRNAs, or extracellular vesicle (exosomes).

Confirmed Presenting Companies:

The PMWC 2018 Liquid Biopsy Showcase will take place on Monday January 23 and will provide a 15-minute time slot for selected liquid biopsy companies to present their latest technologies to an audience of leading investors, potential clients, and partners. We will hear from companies that advance the development of screening tests for oncology, immunotherapy, and other areas, based on detection and identification of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs), circulating RNA, circulating microRNAs, or extracellular vesicle (exosomes).

Confirmed Presenting Companies:

Session Chair Profile

BASD, Ph.D., President and CSO, Boreal Genomics; Professor, University of British Columbia

Dr. Marziali co-founded Boreal Genomics in 2007 and is President and CSO while maintaining a part-time academic appointment as Director of Engineering Physics at University of British Columbia. Dr. Marziali and the R&D team at Boreal focus on development of high accuracy NGS technologies with the goal of reducing the cost of liquid biopsy assays to match reasonable reimbursement scenarios. Dr. Marziali and his team have backgrounds in Engineering, Biochemistry and Physics, and have been awarded 19 patents on methods to enrich tumor DNA and to improve accuracy of NGS sequencing. Dr. Marziali received his B.A.Sc. in Engineering Physics from UBC in 1989, and his PhD in Physics from Stanford University in 1994. He then worked with Dr. Ron Davis, in the Stanford DNA Sequencing Technology Center developing DNA sequencing technologies, returning to Canada and University of British Columbia in 1998, where Boreal was founded and is currently based.

Presentation Title and Company Description

Liquid Biopsy Showcase: Liquid Biopsy Cost Reduction: Linked-molecule Technologies
Boreal Genomics develops cost reduction technologies for liquid biopsy. Boreal’s OnTarget hotspot ctDNA enrichment technology is used commercially in 100-200 hotspot NGS assays with sequencing costs <$10 per panel. Boreal’s new technology focus is on broad high-accuracy, low-cost sequencing methods.

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