Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Associate Director – Digital Health, Berg LLC

Vijetha Vemulapalli, Ph.D., is the Associate Director for Digital Health at BERG Analytics and is the lead for Digital Health research and projects. During her time at BERG, she has utilized her extensive expertise in developing and applying analytical solutions to effectively lead her team towards finding innovative solutions to problems in Healthcare. Dr. Vemulapalli has a background in Computer Science and Engineering and a Ph.D. in Computational Bioscience. She brings with her, strong computational skills and a unique perspective from her diverse work experience ranging from pharmaceutical R&D to varied academic research labs. Her primary interest is in identifying, developing and optimizing meaningful computational solutions to clinically relevant problems. Currently, at BERG, her focus is on the application of machine learning tools to disparate healthcare data for the development of predictive algorithms for population management and individualized patient care.

AI and Data Science: Berg LLC
Berg Analytics (division of Berg Pharma) is focussed on using AI/ML to advance healthcare through enhancing clinical trials and through creation of population health management tools.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Looking Past the Hype
Though “Artificial Intelligence” and “Machine Learning” have been top buzzwords in healthcare for several years running, there is still much confusion and misinformation around application of these statistical techniques in healthcare. This session aims to provide a clear idea of what these techniques mean and provides an overview of current applications. The session will also provide some examples of the use of advanced analytics in clinical trials and health IT.

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