Speaker Profile

Ph.D., CEO, Girihlet Inc.

Ravi Sachidanandam is currently working on methods of analyzing high-dimensional sequencing data from the immune system to infer states of health. He trained as a physicist before making the jump to genomics. He has worked on a wide range of topics, including algorithms and tools in RNAi, mRNA splicing and bioinformatics. He has also developed more accurate methods of sequencing small RNAs, mitochondrial genomes and the TCR repertoire. Most of the work has been carried out in academic settings, and the IP from this work is the foundation of several patents which led to the founding of Girihlet Inc.

Presentation Title and Company Description

Microbial Profiling Showcase: The TCR Repertoire As a Microbiome Readout
Girihlet has developed assays to monitor the state of the immune system. This can be applied in various areas including microbiomes, vaccine efficacy, immunotherapies and auto-immunity.

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