Dr. Nath was appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Stanford Hospital and Clinics in July 2013. He initially joined Stanford Hospital and Clinics in 2008 as Chief Medical Information Officer and also held the roles of Associate CIO, Interim CIO, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Nath has overseen the deployment of the enterprise Epic EHR, culminating in the HIMSS Analytics Stage 7 EMR Adoption recognition in 2010, Leapfrog Top Hospital recognition from 2009 through 2013, and Most Wired Hospital recognition from 2010 through 2013. He has also been instrumental in establishing several new technology programs at SHC, including the clinical and business analytics program the Stanford Health Cloud for virtual care. Most recently, he has led the insourcing of applications and the development of a reorganized information technology services group. Prior to joining Stanford, Dr. Nath was the Chief Medical Information Officer and Senior Director of Clinical Information Systems at NYU Langone Medical Center, where he led a large scale clinical system implementation for three hospitals. He received his B.S.E. in biomedical engineering from Duke University and his M.D. and M.S.E. in biomedical engineering from The University of Michigan. He completed his residency in emergency medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center.

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