Speaker Profile
M.D., Ph.D., FACP, FACMG, Cofounder and Chairman, PlumCare, Inc.; Cofounder and Acting CMO of Fabric Genomics, Inc.
Paul Billings is the Executive Chairman of PlumCare LLc, a new company which seeks to be a family’s trusted advisor on genomics. He is a nationally recognized expert on genomic and precision medicine and a board-certified internist and clinical geneticist. Dr. Billings has devoted his career to improving patient care by expanding the use of medically relevant genomic technologies in clinical settings, most recently as Chief Medical Officer of Life Technologies, Inc. (acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. in March, 2014). He is Chairman, Biological Dynamics, Inc., and Director of Trovagene, Inc., and RennovaHealth, Inc. He was Co-Founder and first Medical Director of the Cordblood Registry, Inc., past Senior Physician and SVP of Laboratory Corporation of America, Inc. (LabCorp), Co-Founder and Past Director of Omicia, Inc. (now acting CMO), Founder and EVP of GeneSage, Inc., and past Director of Ancestry.com, Inc. Dr. Billings has held academic appointments at Harvard University, UCSF, Stanford University and UC Berkeley. He is the author of over 200 publications, abstracts and books on experimental and clinical medicine. Dr. Billings holds an M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School and a Ph.D. degree in Immunology from Harvard University.