Exhibitor Profile
Booth #21
Oxford Nanopore Technologies has developed the first nanopore DNA sequencer. MinION is a portable, real-time, long-read, low-cost device designed to bring biological analyses to anyone, whether in scientific research, education or real-world applications. GridION and PromethION devices serve users with larger projects or more samples.
Website: nanoporetech.com
The thirteenth PMWC offers exhibition options for emerging and established companies and organizations to promote their products and services. This is an opportunity for exhibitors to interact with PMWC participants actively involved and leading the personalized medicine revolution.
Venue Map
PMWC 2018 Exhibitors
Exhibition Hours
Exhibitions are open January 22-24 from 7:30am – 5:30pm each day. The busiest times are during designated breaks:
10:00am – 10:30am
3:30pm – 4:00pm