Speaker Profile

M.S., Ph.D., Director of Biomedical Informatics, UC Davis Health System; Cardiff Professor of Informatics; Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, UC Davis

Dr. Anderson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences, Director of Informatics Research for UC Davis Health System, and holds the Robert D. Cardiff Professorship of Informatics. His research and academic interests are in clinical-translational discovery and sharing, data sciences in digital medicine, patient-centered health research, and bioethics policy. He has extensive experience in private industry through the development of consumer health informatics systems, as well as national and international academic informatics. He is the chair of the health informatics graduate program at UC Davis. His current focus is on personalized health and health system interoperability in the context of precision medicine.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2017 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: The California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine is a state-funded effort promoting precision medicine and the impact it has on patient lives, partly through multi-disciplinary, cross-sector demonstration projects. Project leads and other experts will discuss their patient data-based diagnostics and tools, and their vision for broad-ranging improvements to health and healthcare.

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