Speaker Profile
SVP, Corporate & Strategic Development,
Prior to joining Codexis, Michael Aldridge founded and led Sirona Therapeutics Ltd. He was also senior vice president of corporate strategic development for Questcor Pharmaceuticals and CEO for two drug development companies, Xenome Limited and Peplin, Inc. Earlier in his career, Aldridge held multiple investment banking positions at leading international financial firms including Wilson HTM Investment Group and Bear Stearns. A native of New Zealand, Aldridge received a bachelor’s with honors in chemistry from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, and a master’s degree in applied finance from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.
Presentation Title and Company Description
Clinical Dx Showcase: Novel Engineered Enzymes Enabling Enhanced NGS Diagnostics
Codexis is a leading protein engineering company that applies its revolutionary CodeEvolver technology: to enhance sequencing workflows for medical and molecular biology diagnostics; to create novel biotherapeutics; and to improve the cost and quality of pharmaceuticals and food ingredients.