Speaker Profile

B.S., M.S., Chief Business Officer, NAVICAN

Joan Kim is the Chief Business Officer at NAVICAN, an Intermountain Healthcare company providing precision cancer care solutions and services. Joan leads NAVICAN’s market partnerships and strategic marketing efforts, as well as the clinical services team. The key priority for Joan is the challenge of demonstrating and articulating the impact of precision medicine on the total cost of care; improvements in clinical outcomes is table stakes. Prior to joining NAVICAN, Joan was a partner and Managing Director at L.E.K. Consulting, serving as head of the Healthcare Services practice. Joan received her Bachelors and Masters degrees in Biological Sciences from Stanford University.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: This session will cover how precision medicine overlays into the issue of cost-effective clinical care. The cost of medical care remains a timely topic. Different stakeholders (payers, PHARMA, the government) will engage in a lively discussion on issues related to cost of care, political aspects of care delivery, and how precision medicine applies and can be defined as getting the “right therapy to the right patient at the right time….at the right price.”

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