Speaker Profile

MBA, Worldwide Health Chief Information Security Officer, Microsoft

Hector leads Microsoft’s work in health cloud compliance, health standards and cybersecurity. Hector works to ensure that healthcare security, privacy and compliance are foundational to Microsoft’s healthcare digital transformation strategy. He works extensively with industry and academic groups including WEDI-SNIP, HL/7, AHIP, HIMSS, HITRUST, and CAQH. He is currently a board advisor of the Samueli Institute for health research, a founding member of the HITRUST Business Associate Council. He is also a health industry and cybersecurity curriculum advisor for University of Connecticut and Seton Hall University. Hector is a notable speaker for Microsoft’s executive briefing center, partner conferences, and HIMSS on “Cybersecurity and the Trusted Healthcare Cloud” and “Healthcare Digital Transformation”. Hector began his career in 1982 as a software engineer at Bell Research Laboratories and has been in the IT business for over 30 years.

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