Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Executive laboratory Director US & Canada, Igenomix

Dr. Cengiz Cinnioglu earned his PhD from Istanbul University, Turkey, in Forensic Science & Genetics. Dr. Cinnioglu joined a pioneer research group led by Dr. Luca-Cavalli Sforza, who is a world-renowned geneticist, in tracking the genetic history of mankind at Stanford University in the Human Population Genetics Laboratory, as a collaborator for his PhD project. Dr. Cinnioglu joined Natera (Gene Security Network) in early 2007 to develop the first application in the world with new cutting edge microarray technology to screen all chromosomes on early human embryos. He has co-authored numerous patent applications during his research.


Human Microbiome: Endometrial Microbiota
The Human Microbiome Project (HMP) has highlighted the importance of different microorganisms and their genomes in human health and disease (Human Microbiome Project Consortium, 2012). Recent research has identified the existence of an endometrial microbiome, and has demonstrated that dysbiosis of the uterine cavity is associated with poor reproductive outcomes in assisted reproductive treatment patients.

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