They all have played and continue to play a tremendously critical role in shaping the human healthcare system, changing it from a general population approach to a personalized and patient-centered care model.

For this reason, we honored these leaders for their outstanding contributions to medicine by awarding them the Pioneer or Luminary Awards at Personalized Medicine World Conference 2016 in Silicon Valley.

The Pioneer Awards went to Dr. Ralph Snyderman, referred to as the “father of personalized medicine”, and Dr. Irv Weissman, similarly referred to the “father of hematopoiesis”. The Luminary Awards was presented to Dr. Roger Perlmutter for transforming two R&D organizations and the development of groundbreaking new therapies, and Dr. Esserman for her visionary approach towards breast cancer medicine.


Check out the photos of the event and get a glimpse of the award ceremony

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